Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Complete list of emoticons and smileys for facebook chat!!

Here is the complete list of smileys and emoticons that you can use in your facebook chat. Just type emoticon code for each one, or copy and paste from here, and it'll pop up in your chat !

New facebook emoticon: <(") = Penguin

New facebook emoticon: (^^^) = Shark

:putnam: = Human headWho is putnam ?

:) or :-) or =) or :] = Smile
:D or :-D or =D = Big smile

>:o or >:-o = Smile with close eyes

or :-o = Surprise

 or :-( or =( or :[ = Sad face

 or ;-) = Wink

= Crying

or :-* = Kiss
 or :-p = Tongue
or >:-= Angry
 = Heart

= Cat face , mustache.

 = Pleasant face

= Pleasant face with eyes down

or O:-) = Angel

or 3:-) = Devil

 = Pacman

 = Robot

or 8-) or B) or B-) = Glasses

or 8-| or B| or B-| = Dark glasses

or :-/ or :\ or :-\ = Confuse

.O or O.o = Big and small eye